HAT & LT Certification: Applicant Support Program


The guidelines for certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers in Queensland


Resources to assist you in determining readiness to apply for certification


Resources and information for preparing a certification application


Information and forms for applicants and their referees.

Obtaining consent

Guidelines for obtaining consent to use an individual’s information within an application for certification.

Application formats

Information and resources about file formats to use with an application

Support for applicants is available for all eligible Queensland teachers intending to apply for certification at the Highly Accomplished or Lead career stage.

Applicant support includes downloadable resources and a series of videos and interactive webinars that are designed to help applicants, referees, and school leaders to understand:

  • the application process and requirements
  • the role of the APST when applying for certification
  • how to effectively evidence practice
  • where to find resources and support.

Register here for upcoming workshops and webinars.

Key dates for certification


3 – 17 March Application portal open for state school teachers
26 May – 9 June Application portal open for Catholic school teachers


Resources to assist you in determining readiness to apply for certification

Video resources

Understanding the Standards

Unpack the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Standards) to understand the language used in the descriptors and the difference between the two career stages (Highly Accomplished and Lead).

Certification process

Understand what is required in preparing an application for certification,
from eligibility to completing Stage 2.




Resources and information for when preparing a certification application

Video resources

Effective evidence

What does quality and effective evidence look like? Learn the difference between evidence, artefact, and evidence set.

Annotating evidence

Learn how to compose purposeful and effective annotations, and understand the link between career stage, the Standards and evidence.

Artefacts in focus

Unpack a sample of evidence to discover how artefacts should best demonstrate evidence of the Standards.

Application – plan, prepare & present

How to compile and submit your application.




Guidelines for Certification Referees

Guidelines for Certification Referees

FAQ - Certification Application Referees

Highly Accomplished Teacher Referee Verification Form

Lead Teacher Referee Verification Form

Video resources

The role of the certification application referee

Have you been asked to be a referee for a colleague applying for certification? Explore the roles and the responsibilities of this unique professional opportunity.


Who do you choose, what do they do? Discover how to invite a referee and understand how they can support you in certification.



Application formats

Applications for certification may be developed using the following formats: Word, PowerPoint, PDF or OneNote (using the OneNote template file)

OneNote application template

Please refer to the Department of Education OneNote Template Guide or Queensland Catholic Education Commission OneNote Template Guide, for guidance on using this template, and any requried technical support should be sought via your employer. Please note that you will need to use a desktop version of OneNote, rather than the cloud version, to export the OneNote notebook as a OneNote package (*.ONEPKG) for submission.

The OneNote template is a ONEPKG file format which cannot be opened by a Mac version of OneNote.  As a result, it is not recommended that Mac users develop their application using OneNote. 




For enquiries related to the Applicant Support Program please contact


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