To obtain full registration, a provisionally registered teacher must teach satisfactorily in a school or another acceptable setting for one year (defined as 200 days) and meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Proficient Stage) (PDF, 185KB).
Acceptable teaching experience gained after the date on which provisional registration was granted can contribute to the 200 days required. This experience must have been completed no more than five years prior to making an application for full registration.
Acceptable teaching experience includes teaching in a:
Other experiences may also be acceptable, with appropriate supports in place to ensure a robust professional development and assessment. They include:
For more information specific to moving to full registration in an early childhood setting go to the Early childhood education and care services page of the QCT website.
A reviewer must:
Provisionally registered teachers can use myQCT to:
QCT approvals must take place prior to accruing experience.
For more information see:
Acceptable other experience for moving to full registration policy (PDF, 127KB)
For information about process, requirements, roles and evidence examples see the Guidelines - Transitioning from provisional to full registration