Teaching Performance Assessments

Successful completion of a Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) is required for all graduates from Queensland initial teacher education programs to ensure classroom ready teachers in all Queensland schools and high standards for the future of the profession and quality student outcomes.

The TPA:

  • is completed using student data and evidence of classroom practice collected during the final year professional experience
  • has a sustained focus on the teaching and learning cycle - plan, teach, assess, reflect
  • uses data and evidence to show impact and differentiation of teaching for three focus students
  • is a valid assessment of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) at the graduate level
  • is a reliable assessment using moderation processes to ensure consistent scoring by assessors.

Queensland initial teacher education providers are currently implementing the following TPA’s:

  • Graduate Teaching Performance Assessment (GTPA): Australian Catholic University, Christian Heritage College, Central Queensland University, Griffith University, James Cook University, Southern Cross University, The University of Queensland and University of Southern Queensland
  • Quality Teaching Performance Assessment (QTPA): Queensland University of Technology and University of the Sunshine Coast.
  • Assessment for Graduate Teaching (AfGT) project: Australian College of Christian Studies.

The QCT has partnered with its key stakeholders to develop resources to support implementation of the TPA reform in schools.

TPA - full animation

(3 mins 53 secs)

Classroom experience and TPA - short animation

(37 secs)


Slide presentation for supervising teachers


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