Data about teachers

The QCT collects various types of data about teachers as part of the registration process. As the teacher regulatory authority in Queensland, the QCT is in a unique position to monitor teacher registration numbers and demographic data, analyse this information and identify trends.

Australian Teacher Workforce Data (ATWD)

Teachers are the number one in-school influence on student outcomes so it's important that we understand the teaching experience to better support the profession and improve student outcomes.

From 2019, the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) will include some registration data in the ATWD. The ATWD connects initial teacher education and teacher workforce data from across Australia.

It forms part of the first-ever national picture of Australia’s teaching workforce.

To enrich the data, each year all Australian teachers will be invited to complete a short, 10-minute ATWD Teacher Survey. The data collected will provide a comprehensive picture of the teaching experience, from entry into the profession to end of teaching career and will help inform the future of the teaching profession.

Find out more about the ATWD

Participation in the survey is voluntary but it is extremely important for the ATWD as it will help build a stronger understanding of the characteristics of Australian teachers. You will be able to provide valuable information about your teaching experience such as:

  • hours spent on teaching, preparing to teach and non-teaching activities
  • requirements for out-of-field teaching
  • your perceptions regarding the professional development you have undertaken
  • how long you intend to stay in teaching and factors that may affect your decision to leave.

Your responses will:

  • have any identifying information about you removed from them
  • be treated confidentially
  • be linked to other data in the ATWD collection that relates to you.

Find out about the safeguards in place to protect your privacy and how your information will be handled.

The ATWD is a project jointly funded by all governments of Australia. It is being implemented by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership together with the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.


Registration summary

Registration summaries show that every year the QCT Registration Unit maintains a high level of activity and ensures that professional registration activities for the teaching profession are maintained throughout the year.

Queensland Teachers Report: Statistical Data, Trends and Forecasts 2016

This report was compiled using registration data held by the QCT and looks at three aspects of QCT data:

  • Queensland’s registered teachers – registration status, age, gender and qualifications;
  • Queensland’s registered teachers – distribution within the state; and
  • Registration patterns.

2016 Teacher Profile – What are 33% of Queensland teachers doing?

There are over 100,000 registered teachers in Queensland. The 2016 annual school census revealed that two-thirds are employed in a permanent or long-term temporary teaching position. Who makes up the other third? What are they doing? What does the teacher supply pool look like now and in the immediate future?

In July 2016, the QCT surveyed 10,000 teachers to profile the available workforce in Queensland. (A similar survey was conducted in 2014.)

The 2016 results provide valuable insight into the current circumstances and future career plans of these registered teachers.

Teacher profile: Registered teachers not in a permanent teaching position in a Queensland school.

This teacher profile report (based on data held in September 2014) provides valuable insight into the current circumstances and future career plans of registered teachers who weren't in  permanent teaching positions in Queensland schools.

Teacher profile: Registered teachers not in a permanent teaching position in a Queensland school (PDF, 499KB)

Teacher profile: 2013 Queensland graduate teachers report

The Teacher profile: 2013 Queensland Graduate Teachers report and accompanying infographic helps us understand who our beginning teachers are so we are better able to support and engage with them during their important first years in the teaching profession.

Teacher profile: 2013 Queensland Graduate Teachers report (PDF, 132KB)

Infographic (PDF, 1577KB)


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