Initial teacher education programs are accredited nationally to ensure that all teachers are prepared to a high standard, and gain the knowledge, skills and experiences to make a positive impact on student learning.
Minimum requirements are set nationally and described through the Accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia: Standards and Procedures (AITSL) (PDF, 864KB).
AITSL has developed written guidance material as a companion document to the Standards and Procedures for accreditation of initial teacher education programs - Guidelines for the accreditation of initial teacher education in Australia (PDF, 1.48MB) . The Guidelines were reviewed and updated in 2020. Further updates were made to the Standards and Procedures in 2023. The 2023 update has been developed as an addendum to be read alongside the Standards and Procedures. - Addendum to the Accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia: Standards and Procedures. More information is available on the AITSL website. Queensland providers can also access the templates through the QCT Accreditation portal.
Providers submitting full applications for stage one of the accreditation process are required to complete five (5) templates, with the addition of a Stage two report (Template 5) at stage two. The templates listed below can be accessed from AITSL’s accreditation templates page.
Accreditation is undertaken by the relevant state authority: the QCT in Queensland.
Additional Queensland requirements need to be recorded using