About review of QCT decisions

Internal review

If you are dissatisfied with certain QCT decisions that concern you, you may apply for an internal review.

You must apply within 28 days after you have been notified of the decision, or, if not notified, 28 days after you have become aware of the decision.

You may apply to the QCT for an extension of this 28-day period by contacting the QCT.

You must apply for a review to the Internal Review Committee (IRC) using the Application for internal review form (PDF, 72KB).

Decisions that may be reviewed

Reviews are limited to the specific types of decisions outlined below.

Granting registration or permission to teach

  • if we granted provisional registration where you applied for full registration
  • if you currently hold provisional registration and we did not grant your application for full registration
  • if we did not grant your application for registration or permission to teach because you did not meet the eligibility requirements for either professional practice or suitability to teach.


  • if we did not renew your full registration or permission to teach because you did not meet the relevant eligibility requirements for professional practice or suitability to teach.

Conditions, suspensions or cancellations

  • if we decided not to cancel a condition of your registration or permission to teach
  • if we suspended or cancelled your registration or permission to teach because you did not comply with a condition we imposed
  • if we took a particular action in relation to a condition of registration or permission to teach following a review.


  • if we did not progress your Stage 1 application for Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher because you did not meet the professional standards for certification for your application to proceed to Stage 2
  • if we did not grant you certification for Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher because you did not meet the professional standards for certification
  • if we did not renew your Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher certification because you no longer meet the professional standards for certification.


  • if we did not approve a preservice teacher education program
  • if the Professional Capacity and Teacher Conduct Committee (PC&TTC) took disciplinary action against you:
    • issuing a warning or reprimand to you
    • imposing conditions on your registration or permission to teach
    • ordering a notation or endorsement about you be entered on the register
    • accepting an undertaking from you.

Review processes

The IRC consists of:

  • at least three persons, including a Board member who is a practising teacher and a Board member who is a representative of major teacher employing authorities
  • if the review concerns a PC&TCC decision involving an impairment of a relevant teacher, a member of the registered health practitioner panel
  • any other person.

The IRC conducts the review on:

  • the material before the QCT or the relevant committee that led to the original decision
  • the reasons for the original decision
  • any other relevant material the review committee allows.

The IRC must give you a reasonable opportunity to make oral or written submissions to it.

Generally, the IRC will make the final review decision. However, if the review concerns a decision by the PC&TCC to take disciplinary action against you, then the IRC will make a recommendation to the QCT Board, and the Board will make the final review decision.

The final review decision will:

  • confirm the original decision
  • amend the original decision or
  • substitute another decision for the original decision.

The IRC or the QCT Board must, as soon as possible, give you notice of their decision.  If you do not receive notice within 60 days of your application, then the original decision stands.

External review

If you are dissatisfied with the IRC’s or the Board’s internal review decision you may then seek an external review through the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT).

For more information about QCAT or to contact QCAT, see www.qcat.qld.gov.au.


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