
To teach in a Queensland school you must be registered with the QCT.  Registration ensures that a high standard of preparation, conduct and practice is upheld in the profession.

Value of registration

Information about the importance and value of teacher registration.

Types of registration

Information on the two types of registration provisional and full. Facts about the other type of approval - permission to teach.


Information for people who wish to apply for teacher registration in Queensland, including eligibility requirements, the application process and information for new graduates and people without approved qualifications.


View the current schedule of all QCT fees.

Change of details

Information about your obligations to inform us of any change in your circumstances or details, your qualifications, and your criminal history.

Renewal of registration

Information on renewing your full registration including whether and when you need to renew, the process, and continuing professional development requirements.

Maintaining your teacher registration

Here are some reasons to maintain your registration.

Registration conditions

Information about conditions enforced by registration.


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