Entry requirements apply to initial teacher education applicants who intend to enter an undergraduate program commencing in 2016 or later.
Initial teacher education programs are accredited nationally to ensure that all teachers are prepared to a high standard, and gain the knowledge, skills and experiences to make a positive impact on student learning.
Templates and resources for use by teacher education providers and panel members engaged in national accreditation of initial teacher education (ITE) programs, either for program submission or to keep up to date with accreditation requirements.
Supervising teachers play an important role in monitoring, supporting and assessing preservice teachers during their professional field experience. A variety of resources have been developed to support supervising teachers to undertake this role.
Programs which provide the necessary skills, knowledge and experiences for those entering the
profession are referred to as preservice or initial teacher education (ITE) programs.
This section allows you to view Queensland programs approved by the QCT for purposes of teacher
registration in Queensland (as at 1 January 2025) for each university.
The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers comprise seven Standards describing what teachers should know and be able to do. They are interconnected, interdependent and reflect the complex role of teaching. The Standards are grouped into the domains of professional knowledge, professional practice and professional engagement.
The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership provides national leadership for the Australian, State and Territory Governments in promoting excellence in the profession of teaching and school leadership.
The QCT collects various types of data about teachers as part of the registration process. As the teacher regulatory authority in Queensland, the QCT is in a unique position to monitor teacher registration numbers and demographic data, analyse this information and identify trends.
The QCT runs face to face workshops and online web conferences throughout the year covering the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and their application to a range of registration functions and requirements. Check out our Events Portal for more information and dates.
The QCT is active on Facebook, Twitter, and even has a blog. Come and join the conversation on issues affecting teachers in Queensland