Disclosure Log

What is a disclosure log?

A disclosure log is a list of documents released in response to non-personal right to information requests made under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) (PDF, 1.1MB) . It contains a description of the information released and, where possible, a link to the relevant documents.

Disclosure logs provide instant access to information for people who request the same or similar information as a previous applicant, and would otherwise have had to undertake a formal legislative process.

How do I access documents listed on the disclosure log?

Documents released under the Act will be progressively published via our disclosure log.

Documents will be accessible either via a link in the disclosure log or by contacting .

For further information please contact the Information Coordinator on (07) 3377 4777.

Disclosure Log

Log of documents released by the QCT under Section 78 of the RTI Act

Reference No.

Date of Release

No. Pages

Topic/ Information Summary


2010/7742 Q725



Teachers' Disciplinary Committee case summaries of cancelled teacher registrations in 2009

Ph 3377 4777


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