5 Oct 2023

Elizabeth Foster

Excellent Leadership in Teaching and Learning

Elizabeth Foster

Liz Foster is a principal with demonstrated capacity to collaboratively develop, articulate, and enact a vision of the future for not only Wavell State High School, but the broader education community surrounding her.

In particular, it is her development of a focus group structure that is utilised to ensure all people in the Wavell State High School community have an opportunity to contribute to school decision making that is unique in design and implementation. The focus group structure promotes investment in professional learning for all people in the school together with an authenticity in student contribution.

“Intentional in design, the groups evolved from actions that involved initiating conversations that considered the context of our school, listening for understanding and permission to think beyond conventional school systems in together finding solutions that enabled all people to be involved, ” she explained.
“The success of the focus groups is evidenced by the highly functional teams in a large and complex metropolitan school, all committed to a shared purpose and vision.”

Liz’s dedication to continual reflection and personal development in her leadership is evidenced by her lead role in facilitating the Metropolitan Aspiring Leaders Program, a program which has seen over 2000 leaders undertake a 12 month research based leadership program. As a member of the Executive for the Independent Public Schools Alliance she is committed to the delivery of meaningful professional learning experiences and promoting a shared discourse in effective learning practices. Liz contributes through building capacity in others in formal and informal coaching, mentoring roles and regularly delivers keynote addresses for the Australian Council for Health and Physical Education, Queensland Property Council, Griffith University Education Summit, BoP Industries Future of Education and the Future Work Series for the Queensland University of Technology.

On a national scale, Liz is the President of the Queensland branch of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL), and a recipient of the Queensland Fellowship for ACEL in 2023.

“It is a privilege to contribute to what is a profoundly human profession, that of education and learning.”

Enthusiastic about initiating and sustaining partnerships beyond the Wavell State High School community. The school’s partnerships are almost too numerous to name and include Queensland Universities and members of the Property Council of Australia, each partnership pursued by the school is deliberate in providing relevant and meaningful experiences and opportunities for students, staff and all members of the Wavell State High School community.

“Each conversation and every interaction is an opportunity to listen, learn, seek understanding. Time spent in conversations are of far greater importance than what is written on a plan”