1 Oct 2024

Claire Stanic

Outstanding Contribution to School Community

Claire Stanic

At Brisbane Bayside State College, Claire Stanic is a dedicated teacher, student leader, and passionate advocate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Her commitment to equity and excellence led her to organise the development of the school’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and foster genuine partnerships with the Quandamooka community. Her vision transformed the school’s culture, reflecting a profound respect for its First Nations students.

In 2023, Claire recognised the urgent need to enhance the school’s cultural responsiveness. She assembled a diverse RAP working party, including students, teachers, and community members, to craft a vision for a more inclusive environment. Claire’s efforts culminated in a successful petition to update the school and house mascots; a move aimed at celebrating Quandamooka culture.

Securing a $10,000 grant from Together for Humanity, Claire redesigned the school's communal spaces to reflect and honour Quandamooka traditions. She enlisted a Quandamooka artist, with Elder approval, to create a mural depicting the land, sea, and sky of Quandamooka country. This vibrant artwork became a focal point for discussions in classrooms.

Beyond her advocacy work, Claire’s commitment to her students' social-emotional well-being shines through in her teaching and leadership roles. She empowers student leaders, organises key school events, and models inclusive practices for her colleagues.

Tags: TeachX > 2024 > Community > Winner